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Click here for a detailed brochure that is based on words.

​7月25日 |  $3,500 元

最小成團人數 20 |  最大成團人數 50







Humanity School Trip

#Inspirational Journey in the Humanities

#Learning Without Walls

#Children's Daily Adventure

Located in Toucheng Township, Yilan County, Humanities National Elementary and Secondary School is one of the first experimental education schools in Yilan County to be publicly run and privately operated. It was privately operated in 2002, and with the assistance of the founder, Professor Yang Wen-gui, we have been gradually implementing Humanities' philosophy of empowering education, which is based on the concept of "human beings," which includes parents, teaching staff, and especially each and every one of our students. Therefore, in addition to external academic achievements, Humanities places more emphasis on internal perception and development, including emotions, interpersonal interactions, and communication. All along, Humanities Primary and Secondary Schools have been striving to create a synergistic culture of parent-teacher co-operation, so as to help parents not to have no one to turn to for help in the parenting process, teachers not to be isolated in the educational field, and, of course, more importantly, to help every student of Humanities to be courageous in exploring in the process of learning, to be willing to face frustration, to be happy with self-transcendence, to appreciate, to love one's own life, family, and land, and at the same time, to achieve balance between mind and body, satisfaction and happiness in their lives. At the same time, they can achieve physical and mental balance, satisfaction and happiness in their lives.


"In the humanities, there are no failures, only new discoveries."


Humanities Elementary and Middle Schools provide a friendly learning environment and a challenging curriculum, so that students can learn at ease, grow up happily, and become confident and at ease in perceiving and developing their own talents. We design a curriculum that meets the needs of the children from their point of view, and that is practical and close to their lives. In addition, the school does not evaluate children's achievements through exams or tests, but continuously provides experiential learning and dialogue feedback, so that children are constantly trying to fail and make breakthroughs in the process, going up the mountain, going down to the sea, baking, and lying on the waves. ...... It is a daily routine for the humanistic child, and it is even more a part of learning.


About Humanities Travel


On the morning of 25th July, we will invite you to visit the campus of Humanities Junior High School for a unique sensory journey. In this journey, you will see a school without walls and bells, a classroom without cubicles and textbooks; you will also see a group of Junior High School students curate a physical exhibition and interpretation based on their strengths after action learning; in addition, you will also have the opportunity to experience the traditional culture of Toucheng - the Children's Dragon, and the traditional culture of Toucheng - the children's dragon and the children's dragon of Toucheng - the children's dragon of Toucheng. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to experience the traditional culture of Toucheng - the children's dragon - and the local cuisine. Although the time is short, we hope that apart from letting you get to know a different school - Humanities Junior High School, we can also let you feel the independent and autonomous students, and above all, we hope that we can provide you with diversified life experiences and a rich feast of humanities, so that you can return home from this little humanities trip with a rich body and mind.

Click here for a detailed brochure that is based on words.

25th July  |  NT $3,500

Min. group size 20  |  Max. group size 50

Afternoon Attractions|



Lunch and dinner are not included in the itinerary, but snacks and beverages are included

Provide shuttle service 

Lanyang Museum + Toucheng Old Street + Night Market



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