Event Introduction
IDEC2024 will feature a diverse range of event formats
International Democratic Education Conference
The IDEC 2024 World Education Expo will be held over nine days in Taipei and Yilan.
In Taipei, the event will be held in collaboration with Za Share School, under the theme "Taiwan Education World Expo: Building a Sustainable New Generation." Scholars and educators who have long specialized in education and social innovation from both domestic and international backgrounds will be invited to discuss how Taiwan and the world can use education to influence the next generation and respond to generational crises and challenges in an era of increasing environmental and social complexity post-pandemic.
On the other hand, Yilan will focus on exploring learner-centered education models, featuring practical experiences from educational institutions in Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania. This platform aims to bring together education professionals across age groups to reflect on the development of alternative education and look towards the future.
The highlights of IDEC 2024
Diverse Activities
IDEC2024 combines a variety of interactive forms and activity types, including the following rich activity arrangements:
Keynote Lectures :
Lectures and conversations on various topics, ranging from local education experience based in Taiwan to international perspectives on global education innovation. Daily activities will be based on different themes, covering Asia-Pacific regional cooperation, participation of young generations, exchange of diverse values, and sharing by veteran members, emphasizing the inheritance and dialogue between generations.
Open Space :
By using open space meeting technology, participants can raise issues of their own concern and organize their own discussions, making the meeting more creative and diverse.
( Click on the image to enlarge it )

IDEC Taiwan:
Building a Sustainable Future
The 10th Anniversary of the ZA Share X IDEC 2024
This activity encourages participants to independently initiate and plan learning activities in the spirit of democratic education; With the goal of sustainable education, we hope to cultivate citizens' ability to respond to contemporary social and environmental issues.
IDEC 2024 is collaborating with ZA Share's "2024 International Education Innovation Expo" to hold a two-day forum at the Taipei Yuanshan Expo Dome Exhibition Hall on July 20-21, inviting scholars and educators from home and abroad who have long specialized in education and social innovation to discuss: "In the post-epidemic era when the environment and social challenges are becoming more complex, how can Taiwan and the world influence the next generation through education and respond to generational crises and challenges."

IDEC Annual Conference and Annual Theme Introduction & Introduction of Participating Countries and Representatives.

2024 IDEC CEO Heather Yang
Opening Lecture: Two Worlds.
Upon birth, every individual is confronted with two worlds. The first is "the world of struggle between person and thing." Every child initially lives in this world, learning quickly and living vibrantly. However, within a few years, family, society, and school compel the child to move towards the second world: "the world of struggle between person and person."
Writing: Huang, Wu-Hsiung |Author of School Outside the Window, Childhood and Liberation; Former Professor of Mathematics at National Taiwan University; Initiator of the 410 Education Reform Movement
Reading: Chen, Zhen-kan|Founding Director of the Formosa Alternative and Experimental Education Association
Democratic Education 2.0: From Schools to the World
Yaacov Hecht | Founder of Hadera Democratic School ; Author of the “Democratic School”; Founder of the first IDEC
Practicing Educational Equality in the Midst of Generational Change
Amukta Mahapatra|Initiator of the education reform movement in India; Founder of SchoolScape; Facilitator of the United Nations India Equity in Education Initiative
How Korea came up with a first public democratic school

Tae Wook Ha|Professor of Asian Life University; Principal of Korea's first national democratic school
Digital Citizenship in the AI Era

Isabel Hou|Secretary-general of Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Academy Foundation;Members of the Human Rights Committee, Ministry of Digital Affairs;Advisory Board Member, Center for Sustainable Democratic Governance, Foundation for Future Generations;g0v Citizen Technology Community Contributors
Educational Mission in Conflict
Kateryna Botvinnik|Founder of One Crazy School, Educational Experiment in Ukraine

Democratic University : Emancipation of Knowledge, Empowerment of People

Kageki Asakura|A renowned scholar of education and society in Japan; Founder of Tekisen Democratic University in Japan; Educational advisor to the Korean and European parliaments
100 Years Later, Progressivism and Summerhill School

Henry Readhead|Representative of Summerhill School, UK
Panel discussion: Responding to the Challenges of the New Generation through Education
We invite educators from Taiwan, Japan, and Ukraine to discuss, after summarizing a whole day of sharing from educators of various countries, how "war and conflict" have changed the education systems and democratic processes of different countries over the past century, and the role democratic education plays in responding to war and conflict. Furthermore, we hope to discuss how to help the next generation develop critical thinking, peaceful conflict resolution, and active social participation skills.
Adler Yang|Researcher, Awakening Coop Lab; Co-Founder, International Experimental Higher Education Research & Action Alliance; Trustee, Japan Association of Synthetic Anthropology
Kateryna Botvinnik|Founder of One Crazy School, Educational Experiment in Ukraine
Kageki Asakura|A renowned scholar of education and society in Japan; Founder of Tekisen Democratic University in Japan; Educational advisor to the Korean and European parliaments

From July 22nd to 28th, seven days of lectures and discussions will be held at Tamkang University's Lanyang Campus in Yilan. Scholars from all over the world are invited to share their views on the themes of "Pioneering Innovation," "Sustainable Progress," "Rooted in Taiwan," "Young Generation," "Diversity and Inclusion," and "Generational Continuity" according to the theme of each day.
The Asia-Pacific Democratic Education Community (APDEC) Annual Meeting, and the IDEC Annual Meeting will be held on July 24th and July 26th respectively.
Opening Ceremony and Event Tour
楊逸頎|IDEC 2024 執行長;人文國中小畢業生
Experimental Education and Social Innovation in Southern Taiwan

Blossom Market Opening Event
Difficulties and Challenges of Running a Democratic School in an East Asian Society

Zhan-Fu (Naure-nurtyring): A new paradigm of brain-based 0~26+ education of brain-based 0~26+ education & parenting.

Taiwan Sudbury:Practicing Democratic Education in a New Democracy

Education as a Vehicle of Influence - Taiwan's Experience in Collecting Citizens' Diverse Creative Energies to Transform Education

Challenges and Prospects of Experimental Education in Taiwan

Cultural and Artistic Exchange
The nightly Open Stage and Cultural Nights will provide a stage for participants from all over the world to showcase the exchange of traditional cultural performances to modern art, promoting international excitement and sparks.
APDEC & IDEC Council
The Annual Council is the highest decision-making body of IDEC, and through these meetings, not only international affairs but also educational cooperation and development within the Asia-Pacific region are discussed.
Dream Auction
Feel free to bring any unused items to the auction for exchange, and we will donate all proceeds to the next IDEC host country.
Villagers' Initiative
Have an issue you want to advocate for? Come and share what matters to you with your international partners to connect, facilitate deeper conversations and follow up!
無邊際沙龍|Open Space
7/22-28 The main event in Yilan is the Open Space, which is an alternative meeting format that encourages anyone to freely initiate meetings.Therefore, in addition to the Keynote Speakers arranged for each time slot, IDEC provided 14 spaces in the event venue for self- reservation, encouraging participants to initiate a variety ofdiscussions and topics.The spaces were of various types, including classrooms, a lounge, a sports hall, a rhythm classroom, a billiard room, etc. They could be used freely.
Four of the classrooms are organized under the themes of "Economic Development", "Cities and Rural", "Diversity", and "Domestic and International", inviting participants who have feelings about the issues to participate in different kinds of activities to stimulate more discussions.

文化工作坊|Cultural Workshops
07/22(二) 13:30-15:00
講者|日出小姐 Miss Sunrise
地點|CL403 教室
費用| 350 元 (材料費)

地點|CL403 教室
費用| 350 元 (材料費)

地點|CL403 教室

地點|CL404 教室

7/23(二) 20:30-21:30
費用| 免費
備註| 免事前報名

07/23(三) 14:00~16:00
地點|CL403 教室
費用| 250 元 (材料費)

地點|CL403 教室
地點|CL403 教室

地點|CL308 教室
費用| 免費
備註| 免事前報名

7/27(六) 20:30-24:00
費用| 免費
備註| 免事前報名

Party Square
No matter who you are, you can stand on the open stage and share your stories and specialties at the cultural night and make unforgettable memories!
River of Memory Exhibition
The live installation will focus on the 30th anniversary of IDEC, introducing alternative education schools and their philosophies from around the world, and sharing the impact of the development of democracy and diversity in education in Taiwan since the 410 education reform.


IDEC Story Hall
Since its founding in 1994, the beauty and interest of IDEC has been that each year the format and content of IDEC has been extremely different, creating the most unique scenery according to the characteristics and culture of the host country, as well as the participants of the year. We have gathered a small selection of IDECp articipants' views and perspectives to portray the anecdotes of the past 30 years. You are welcome to interact and exchange with more people at the event to piece together and create your own IDEC story.
Alternative Schools of the World
Many alternative educators believe that everyone is a natural
learner, with unique gifts, and that when learners grow up in an environment of support, respect, and trust, and are able to practice taking on freedom, choice, and responsibility, they are able to utilize their gifts, contribute to the larger community, and help each other do well together. Therefore, we should not hold all students to a single standard. There is beauty in diversity, and the beauty of diversity creates a thriving society.
Taiwan's alternative education graduates, such as former Minister of Digital Affairs Ms. Audrey Tang and American drag queen champion Ms. Neffiah, are creating their own paths in their own ways, showing the infinite possibilities of life with their unique vitality.
Do you want to know what kind of alternative schools look like in different countries around the world? What are the directions of their graduates? Come and meet them and interact with them!
30th Anniversary of Taiwan's Education Reform, Diversification in Education
Since the lifting of martial law in Taiwan in 1987, educational
reforms have mushroomed, and the overall education system and
laws have gradually become more diversified and open, laying a
solid foundation for Taiwan's educational innovation.
On April 10, 1994, the famous education reform movement - the
April 10th Education Reform - was initiated by the public, and this
historic event marked the official launch of Taiwan's education
reform. Come and learn about the changes that have taken place in
Taiwan over the past 30 years!

Blossom Market
Connect domestic and foreign education innovation, social welfare and local workers to share public issues of concern to the organization, research on change theories, and existing project
results. Let foreign friends see Taiwan’s form of public participation where blossoming freely!


「貍想教育」由致力於教育轉型的跨教師組成,以「遊戲教育」為形式、「啟發教育」為內涵、「價值觀」的涵養為教育本質,以「playful x useful x perceivable」為核心設計相關教學資源,望能成為教育工作者溫柔的後盾。重視價值啟發、設計遊戲課程、製作協作課堂桌遊、舉辦增能工作坊、籌備線上跨校共備讀書會、線上遊戲平台系統規劃·····舉凡教學現場所需,均全力協助教育夥伴,不單在教室外引領學習,更想在體制中帶動改變,期許能共同實踐理想的課堂風景。



Food Plaza
We have curated a selection of both local and international snacks, ranging from peanut roll ice cream to Mexican cuisine. We hope these diverse options will satisfy everyone's taste buds, allowing you to experience the warmth and cultural diversity of Taiwan through these delightful flavors.




宜蘭在地美食、特色小吃! 花生捲冰淇淋、烤香腸、雞腿肉串 烤香腸,大人小孩都愛的經典夜市小吃

Traveling in Taiwan
In addition to the activities mentioned above, IDEC provides some small trips that can be purchased as add-ons, giving you the opportunity to visit experimental education schools and organizations, and to gain a deeper understanding of the appearance and characteristics of experimental education in Taiwan. For example, Miaoli Holistic Education School and Yilan Humanity School are some of the featured trips. Besides, there are also more Taiwan's unique cultural mini-trips, so after purchasing them, let's go on a trip with foreign friends!

HK AE Exchange Tour
Feeling not enough after IDEC 2024? Welcome to join the Hong Kong Education Tour from 8/1 to 8/5 to learn more about local education organisations such as RTC Gaia School, Ediversity, MaD, etc. There is no extra charge, free accommodation is provided, and you just need to pay for your own transport and meals.
Cross-generational and cross-border executive units:
IDEC 2024 Executive Committee (TDEC)

International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC); Asia-Pacific Democratic Education Community (APDEC)
Elite International Education Consultant Group
Taiwan Nature Nurturing Association (TNNA); Holistic Education School; Humanity Primary & Junior High School; International Association for Sustainable Education
Beaversophy Education; To Be Educational Catalyst; Taipei Heping Experimental Elementalry School; R.O.C. Jendo Society; ZA Share...