All prices are in USD.
All ticket types include participation fee, accommodation and meals.
Ticket Types:
Individual: Individual Ticket for one person. You will share a room with a roommate.
Double: Two-Person Ticket. You will receive two individual tickets (Total price for Early Bird is USD 1,300).
Group: Group tickets are available for groups of 5 or more.
Shared Bathroom: The bathroom and shower facilities are shared by several rooms.
Meals: Provided from dinner on the 19th to breakfast on the 28th. Lunch on the 20th and 21st not included.
Accommodation: A 9-night stay from the night of the 19th to the morning of the 28th.
Bedding: Bedding is not included; please bring your own sleeping bag and mat or rent bedding for an additional USD 100 per person. Can be added to the ticket price; payment can be made by credit card.
✨ Additional Information:
Rooms are double rooms with two single beds, equipped with air conditioning, WiFi, and hot water.
Special requests, such as single rooms, may be communicated to our team. We didn't list the "single room for one occupant" option because we have limited availability, but it is possible at a price of $880.
Concession tickets are available for children under 12, low-income households, or persons with special needs. Tickets are priced at $400.
For any questions or particular needs, please directly message or email to our official email: idec2024@twdec.org
Daily expenses in Taiwan are estimated to range from USD 135 to 200. We're striving to keep participation fees as low as possible. If you're planning to arrive early or extend your stay, feel free to reach out for assistance.
The local currency is the New Taiwan Dollar (TWD or NT), with an exchange rate of approximately TWD 30 to USD 1 . Taiwan boasts convenience at every corner, with 24/7 stores offering a wide range of products and services. Most places accept major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, JCB).
Early Bird registration deadline: June 2nd, 2024.
Transport Information
可於台北圓山轉運站搭乘國光客運 1881 到礁溪轉運站(約60分鐘),後搭乘台灣好行綠11-B 或計程車
可於台北台北轉運站搭乘葛瑪蘭客運1915 到礁溪轉運站(約60分鐘),後搭乘台灣好行綠11-B 或計程車
可於台北市政府轉運站搭乘首都客運 1572 到礁溪轉運站(約40分鐘),後搭乘台灣好行綠11-B 或計程車
可以聯繫在地的昌鏋計程車(03-988 2306)、礁溪計程車(03-988 2612),或使用 Uber 和 Line Taxi

Taipei Venue Address|Taipei Yuanshan Expo Dome(No. 1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei)
Yilan Venue Address|Tamkang University Lanyang Campus(No. 180, Linwei Road, Linmei Village, Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County, Taiwan)
■July 19 Jiaoxi Transfer Station <--> Lanyang Campus
There is a shuttle bus running between Jiaoxi Transfer Station and Tamkang Lanyang Campus four times a day.
Departure times: 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00
(License plate: KAC-0528; telephone: 0987137671)
■July 20 Yuanshan Expo Dome <--> Lanyang Campus
Outbound|Yilan-->Taipei: Meet at 08:20, depart from Yilan at 08:30, arriving at Yuanshan Expo Dome at 10:20 AM.
Inbound|Taipei-->-Yilan: Gather and depart at 18:10, the last shuttle will be at 18:30.
■July 21 Yuanshan Expo Dome <--> Lanyang Campus
Outbound|Yilan-->Taipei: Meet at 07:50, depart from Yilan at 08:00-08:30, arriving at Yuanshan Expo Dome at 10:00 AM.
Inbound|Taipei--->Yilan: Gather and depart at 18:10, the last shuttle will be at 18:30.
■July 28 Jiaoxi Transfer Station <--> Lanyang Campus
There is a shuttle bus running between Jiaoxi Transfer Station and Tamkang Lanyang Campus four times a day.
Departure times: 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00
■ July 28 Lanyang Campus --> Taipei Transfer Station & Nangang Transfer Station
There are two direct buses with a total of 60 limited seats. Tentative departure time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM.
Reservations open on July 15 for NT$250 each.
Contact: NPC Sean

Note:Bedding and toiletries are not provided. Please bring your own. Bedding can be rented for a fee of USD$100.
Travel in Taiwan
Some extra packages will be available. These will include visits to schools and other organizations where participants will have the opportunity to learn more about Taiwan’s education and culture. Some organizations involved are Holistic School and Humanities School. There will also be opportunities to experience the beauty of Taiwan’s natural landscapes.

HK AE Exchange Tour
Feeling not enough after IDEC 2024? Welcome to join the Hong Kong Education Tour from 8/1 to 8/5 to learn more about local education organisations such as RTC Gaia School, Ediversity, MaD, etc. There is no extra charge, free accommodation is provided, and you just need to pay for your own transport and meals.