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Democratic Education

Democratic education is a dynamic process; it is a spirit, a way of life, an attitude, a value, and an essential missing piece in a democratic society.​

Aspects of Democratic Education

We believe that in any educational setting, learners have the right to:

  • Decide how to learn, when, what, where and from whom to learn

  • Have equal decision-making power in their organizations - particularly their schools - in the circumstances where any rules and restrictions are implemented

In 2005, IDEC participants at the International Democratic Education Forum in Berlin, Germany agreed with the above statement

Definition and Discussion

    Wikipedia's definition of 'Democratic Education' mentions that "While types of democratic education are as numerous as types of democracy, a general definition of democratic education is 'an education that democratizes learning itself.' The goals of democratic education vary according to the participants, the location, and access to resources."


    Democratic education is an education ideal, and democracy is both a goal and a teaching method. It brings democratic values to education and which can also include values such as equal dialogue, self-determination, justice, respect, and trust within a community or society.

    The history of democratic education can be traced back to the 1600s, when 17th-century philosopher John Locke wrote about his belief that the process of learning should never "be made a burden." The development of democratic education was the work of many individuals together, and there was no singular central figure, institution or country that alone advocated for it.



New Zealand International Democratic Education Conference:

「A variety of players in democratic education unite to support the spirit of the Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and to put it into action as a fundamental framework for daily life in all learning environments.」

John Hiner  

「Advocates of democratic education believe that effective education must include every student's right to personal self-determination and the opportunity for meaningful participation in the democratic process in every day life.」

David Gribble 

「Democratic education is education in which teacehers and learners work together as equals.」

Laura Stine 

「A democratic school is a school in which students are free citizens who are responsible for their own educational life and who participate in, or are allowed to parcticipate in, decisions that directly or indirectly affect everyone in the school.」

Yaacov Hecht 

「Democratic education is based on respect, acceptance, and love.」

Jessica Cawston 

「"Democratic education" is rooted in a free and meaningful dialogue without rules, without agreements– just with honesty and a little candor.」  

Kageki Asakura 

「For the individual, democratic education is about finding one's own identity and living their own life, As for society, no matter what ethnic group they are a part of, it's about living happily and respecting each other.」

Tae Wook Ha 

「Democratic education is about allowing people to become truly whole, to become thoroughly themselves. Everyone has their own direction in their heart, unwavering to the influence of the thoughts of others. But democracy is not just about oneself, but about every individual together as a group– We are a community.」


Excerpt from: 《灼見名家_民主教育的內涵_海星》 


The following are brief takes on "What is Democratic Education?" made by democratic educators based on their own experiences:

What is your definition of democratic education?

What is TDEC ?

What is IDEC ?


  • What is included in the ticket?
    Please check the "I want to register" page
  • Is "Day Ticket" available for foreigners?
    Sorry, we don't provide DAY TICKET for foreign participants.
  • What activities will be held at IDEC?
    →IDEC2024 will hold a variety of different content activities, including special lectures, themed talks, open space discussions and activities, cultural exchange experience, workshops, games, markets, IDEC30 and Taiwan's 30th Anniversary Education Reform Exhibition, and more. You can choose from a variety of activities. You are also free to initiate discussions and activities. Maybe there is a speaker whome you admire very much-- you can go to them during lunch or dinner time to have a meal and chat!
  • What will the accommodations be like?
    Please check here
  • Is it necessary to speak a foreign language to present or communicate at IDEC?
    →Foreign language skills are not a prerequisite for participating in IDEC. As long as you are willing to interact with others, everyone will try their best to understand what you want to express. In addition, this conference will also provide interpreters to assist in the event translation, and you can also use translation software to communicate with each other.
  • Will there be physical tickets?
    →There will be no physical tickets for this event! After completing the remittance or payment, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address. Please confirm the email address is correct when ordering :)

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