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Welcome to IDEC2024

A feast of education, woven together by you. 
This is not just a conference; this is a revolution in education.

Explore new perspectives, meet with educators from around the globe,  and embark on a journey of rethinking education through profound dialogues. 


IDEC2024 is your stage to connect with the world, share and learn from one another,  broaden your future horizons and create unforgettable experiences.

The highlights of IDEC 2024

International Democratic Education Conference


The IDEC 2024 World Education Expo will be held over nine days in Taipei and Yilan.

In Taipei, the event will be held in collaboration with Za Share School, under the theme "Taiwan Education World Expo: Building a Sustainable New Generation." Scholars and educators who have long specialized in education and social innovation from both domestic and international backgrounds will be invited to discuss how Taiwan and the world can use education to influence the next generation and respond to generational crises and challenges in an era of increasing environmental and social complexity post-pandemic.

On the other hand, Yilan will focus on exploring learner-centered education models, featuring practical experiences from educational institutions in Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania. This platform aims to bring together education professionals across age groups to reflect on the development of alternative education and look towards the future.


( Click on the image to enlarge it )

Yaacov Hecht.png

Yaacov Hecht

Chief Educational Innovation Advisor to the Israeli Ministry of Education

Kageki Asakura_edited.png

Kageki Asakura

Founder of Tekisen Democratic University (TDU) in Japan

Katerina Botvinnik.png

Kateryna Botvinnik

Founder of One Crazy School in Ukraine

Monika Irayati_edited.jpg

Monika Irayati

Founder of Erudio Indonesia


What's Democratic Education?


"Democratic education, where teachers and learners work together as equals. It is wonderful when an adult and a child discover something together that neither of them knew before."

From Without David Gribble, EUDEC would not exist

David Gribble,Founder of Sands School, UK

Further Reading








Ready to join IDEC2024?

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  • What is included in the ticket?
    Please check the "I want to register" page
  • Is "Day Ticket" available for foreigners?
    Sorry, we don't provide DAY TICKET for foreign participants.
  • What activities will be held at IDEC?
    →IDEC2024 will hold a variety of different content activities, including special lectures, themed talks, open space discussions and activities, cultural exchange experience, workshops, games, markets, IDEC30 and Taiwan's 30th Anniversary Education Reform Exhibition, and more. You can choose from a variety of activities. You are also free to initiate discussions and activities. Maybe there is a speaker whome you admire very much-- you can go to them during lunch or dinner time to have a meal and chat!
  • What will the accommodations be like?
    Please check here
  • Is it necessary to speak a foreign language to present or communicate at IDEC?
    →Foreign language skills are not a prerequisite for participating in IDEC. As long as you are willing to interact with others, everyone will try their best to understand what you want to express. In addition, this conference will also provide interpreters to assist in the event translation, and you can also use translation software to communicate with each other.
  • Will there be physical tickets?
    →There will be no physical tickets for this event! After completing the remittance or payment, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address. Please confirm the email address is correct when ordering :)

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